The informational meeting was an excellent opportunity to meet our team and learn about the main goals and assumptions of the HugeTECH Revolution Startup Platform. During the event, moderator Kamil Kipiel, introduced participants to the principles of the programme. His presentation was followed by a short speech given by a representative of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, who outlined the main assumptions of the EU programme. Furthermore, Daniel Dereniowski, CEO of HugeTECH, presented the vision and goals of the Startup Platform, detailing its regulations and key elements. After this presentation, it was time for a success story from Anna Serwatka, CEO of Princity, who is one of our project partners. The next point was the performance of Albert Smektalski, who discussed the importance of future investments and the growing potential of enterprises on the market, also addressing further participants' questions. The meeting concluded with an introduction and description of HugeTECH Revolution's project and ecosystem partners. Afterwards, guests engaged in networking and meetings, during which they all had the opportunity to personally interact with each other, and contact or question the program organizers.
Have a look at the photos!
Nabór do Programu HugeTECH Revolution rusza 1 maja, a pierwsze wnioski będą rozpatrywane już od połowy miesiąca. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z wnioskiem aplikacyjnym i śmiało zachęcamy do skorzystania z okazji!
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Platform "HugeTECH Revolution Startup Platform" is co-financed by the European Union under the European Funds for Eastern Poland 2021-2027 programme, Priority FEPW.01 Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Measure FEPW.01.01 Startup platforms for new ideas, Component I: Incubation - development of a new business idea.